Taylor Sheridan has made an indelible career out of reinventing the Western. Though his stories take place in the modern era, his protagonists tend to possess...
《米家大战机器人》(The Mitchells vs. the Machines) 是一部既古怪又温馨有趣的电脑动画片,而且,它非常有可能会是今年度最好看的动画电影。打造这部电影的制作团队在古怪的程度上,甚至超越他们先前的电影作品《乐高大电影》, 《蜘蛛人:新宇宙》(Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse))。对于一部针对怪人家族对抗 A.I.机器人大军的老派题材,观众能有什么指望什么呢?...
Last year at this time, the force was not with us. A spore wars battle had just begun, with COVID-19’s rise leading to lockdowns as the coronavirus spread thro...
Amazon Prime上悄悄上架了一部新的办公室喜剧 "The Next Unicorn" ! 这部目前才推出三集的迷你影集结合了时尚科技产业与办公室八卦日常,运镜方式轻松,主角对白各个好笑,看过得人评价全部一面倒的五颗星,还不追吗?
"The Next Unicorn"是由亚裔女星Elizabeth Cha...
On the heels of the biggest fight in MMA history failing to materialize, Georges St-Pierre sat down with L.A. Weekly to chat about his transition into full-time...