Created by ’90s primetime king David E. Kelly, HBO’s The Undoing is a heady mystery with an A-list cast. The limited series follows Grace Fraser (Nicole Kidm...
Mary Anning’s soul is as calloused as her cracked, weather-beaten hands. She has spent most her life along the coast of Lyme, England, unearthing fossils from t...
When I was in grade school, in the 1970s, my teacher caught me reading the Bantam paperback of William Peter Blatty’s bestselling novel, The Exorcist. (I had sw...
Ever since it debuted in 2016, Netflix’s The Crown has set itself as the gold standard of streaming service original content, pushing out award-worthy p...
Netflix’s The Queen‘s Gambit follows the trials and tribulations of chess prodigy Elisabeth “Beth” Harmon (Anya Taylor-Joy), an orphan whose love of winning is...
For the spooky season, Netflix offers viewers a chance to return to a realm of phantasms and frights with Mike Flanagan’s The Haunting of Bly Manor, the follow-...
Movies and American politics make an intriguing pair. Sometimes the bond works, other times it comes off cartoonish and silly. Either way, Hollywood has a rich ...
“Potential has a shelf-life,” Margaret Atwood wrote in her novel Cat’s Eye, a brutal assessment writer-director-star Radha Blank disproves with élan in her wond...
In one of his first lines in The Trial of the Chicago 7, former activist Tom Hayden (Eddie Redmayne) lays out his plan. “We are coming to Chicago peacefully,” h...
When Christopher Nolan plunged into a dream, within a dream, within a dream in Inception, it was hard to picture what he could do to top himself? Kill Batman ...