Samantha Sidley Recalls John Williams and E.T. – 洛杉矶周报 – 亚洲版

爵士歌手萨曼莎·希德利(Samantha Sidley)回忆起她所见过的最棒的表演,由世界著名的作曲家约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams,其作品有《星际大战系列》《虎克船长》、《侏罗纪公园系列》、《辛德勒的名单》、《抢救雷恩大兵》、《印第安纳·琼斯系列》、《哈利·波特系列》等。获得过5座奥斯卡金像奖,4座金球奖,7座英国电影学院奖,23座葛莱美奖,以及3座艾美奖。)联手洛杉矶爱乐乐团(LA Phil)的现场演出。

Samantha Sidley: Every summer I go to the Hollywood bowl to see my wife’s grandfather John Williams conduct the LA Phil. He does a mixture of pre-’70s film scores along with his own music and it always completely blows me away. I remember one year he did E.T. and a special cut of the actual movie was playing on a big screen along to the live music. When E.T. phoned home there wasn’t a dry eye in the audience.

Samantha Sidley’s “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes” single and video is out now.