早在 "Fashionista ( 时尚达人 )" 这个词汇被广泛运用之前,我母亲就称自己是其中一位时尚达人了。她会在新泽西的 Lord & Taylor 百货公司里购入当季最新款式,并定期阅读时尚杂志和报纸时尚专栏。时尚和艺术是许多爱美女性的氧气,就像是我母亲一样。《Dressed to Thrill》这个颂扬 20 世纪西方时装与当代美学的展览,就是因为这样而存在。...
Waterman’s photography practice has always trended toward portraiture of interesting people in works that are candid and intimate, even raw, but also elegant,...
Diane Williams uses found, discarded, salvaged materials in her sculptural assemblage works. While this yields tactile, assertively handmade, eccentric and en...