除了备受期待的奥斯卡博物馆中丰富的电影馆藏,还有另一件直得让人期待的事!连饮食都需要达到红毯标准,博物馆中的餐厅兼咖啡厅 FANNY’S 也已经盛大开幕。由主厨 Raphael Francois 掌舵, FANNY’S 将于本月提供午餐服务,并于十一月份开始提供晚餐服务,餐厅名字源自于博物馆捐赠者 Wendy Stark 的祖母 Fanny Brice,这位传奇的电影明星还曾经一度被拍成电影《妙女郎 》(Funny Girl) ,是为1968年美国最卖座的电影,影片获得八项奥斯卡金像奖提名

Cafe at Fanny’s (Wonho Frank Lee)
In this first phase, guests can either enter through the restaurant’s patio (off of Fairfax Avenue) or the museum’s lobby to order from a menu of espresso drinks, freshly made baked goods, salads, sandwiches like a beetroot tartine, natural wine and beer. Adjacent to the patio entrance to the café is a glass case filled with prepared items that can be ordered at the counter and be eaten at one of the area’s communal tables or outside. Once dinner debuts, the restaurant will take on a more formal ambiance than its daytime counterpart, switching to a different menu and captain-based service.
The café at Fanny’s will be open daily from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information and to be updated regarding the launches of lunch and dinner service, visit www.fannysammp.com or follow along at @fannysammp.
Fanny’s dining room (Michele Stueven)
Cafe at Fanny’s Hamachi Crudo (Wonho Frank Lee)