进入平面漫画世界的入口居然是一个咖啡厅 – Matte Black – 洛杉矶周报 – 亚洲版

踏进 DTLA 的咖啡厅 Matte Black 就仿佛踏进一个扁平、黑白的 2D 世界。从墙壁、室内家具、商品、包装到马卡龙都像是一张张平面的白色报纸,所有线条都是有人用巨大的黑色麦克笔勾勒出来的一样。而这个人,就是加州有名的波普风平面设计艺术家 Joshua Vides。

Photo : matteblackcoffee
Photo : matteblackcoffee

From the outside, the shop is painted black with a large white speech bubble with the name “Matte Black!” painted in it. Inside, you’ll find a long, narrow 1,000-square-foot space that takes on the full comic-like aesthetic. Down the right-hand side, there are seating booths divided with repeating white panels with a thick black outline that creates the illusion of being in a comic book frame. Each bench has its own table and a illustrated window with blinds and little details like a crack in the glass.

On the other side, there are tall bar stools along a counter, also divided into booth-like sections with glass windows where you can see all the brewing action happening. Matte Black is a collaboration between food and beverage entrepreneur Andy Nguyen, entertainment and construction expert James Malone and, of course, Vides.

Photo : matteblackcoffee

The coffee beans come from the Mostra Coffee, a “women, minority, veteran, and immigrant-owned micro coffee roaster based in north county San Diego. While the jury is still out on the coffee, you can rest assured everything is sustainably and fairly sourced, often directly from vetted farmers and mills at rates that ensure a stable livelihood.

Photo : matteblackcoffee
Photo : matteblackcoffee

For an immersive morning brew that feels as though you’ve stepped into the pages of Archie, you don’t want to miss this.

Matte Black
Address : 1001 S Broadway Los Angeles CA 90015
营业时间 : 周日-周四 : 9am-3pm,周五-周六 : 9am-5pm