Mona Kuhn’s photography practice centers around explorations of the figure, juxtaposed and layered with abstract takes on the built and natural environments. Fo...
Shyama Golden’s vibrant, thoughtfully whimsical work shines in an inclusive cross-platform practice that includes oil, acrylic, and iPad paintings, prints, an...
Sackheim’s photographs express a love of film noir, an instinct for the classic “decisive moment” and a decidedly cinematic sensibility, which undoubtedly com...
Actually, photographer doesn’t really cover what Tatiana Wills does with her camera — collaborative portraitist or sense-of-self empath might be more appropri...
Erin Yoshi is an accomplished and prolific muralist — but that’s just the most visible manifestation of her practice. At heart a community organizer with goals ...
Paintings, artisanal prints, and drawings by Joseph Paul Gerges leverage a deep foundation in classical figure drawing in a series of human and animal portraits...
Painter, sculptor, conceptual and multimedia artist Guillermo Bert is widely known for his material and iconographic riffs on motifs related to the migration an...