虽然每一幅 Kim DeJesus 的画都是抽象的,但它们各自讲述非常具体的故事。在她的工作室里,她大量运用重力、动力、黏性、事故、融合、交叠等硬性的万物定律,来表现其有机过程,但在色彩方面又呈现出柔和的人类情感。画面中的有机形状、微小却又精细的质地提醒观看者画作虽然跟随著万物不变定律,但是却人性的色彩才是终极的呈现。这些作品记录了她在工作室中,精准的色彩,神秘的创作过程以及真实的,画家表述的存在。...
Part immersive art installation and part painting exhibition, Los Angeles-based artist PunkMeTender’s latest project with West Hollywood gallery Art Angels is a...
Zära Monet Feeney is an exceptional talent. With a background in classical technique and deep art historical foundations, Feeney has a taste for optical effec...
Rob Reynolds engineers layered interplay between perfectionist rendering, stentorian art history, almost kitschy pop culture, and tropes of tourism propaganda...
Corie Mattie aka LA Hope Dealer is an activist and artist, recipient of the Woman of the Year 2021 award from SD26 Senator Ben Allen in recognition of her str...
结束了长达一年的关闭之后,Getty Villa 终于在上星期重新开放,同时揭开了《美索不达米亚:文明开始的序幕》。 展览展示了一些引人入胜的古老艺术,它们是沿中东著名的蒂格里斯河与幼发拉底河之间的肥沃新月所产生的一些古代艺术,地点位在现今伊拉克中心。美索不达米亚文明的出现,大约在公元前3400年开始,但澳大利亚的原...
Yoshitomo Nara’s hyperstylized portraits of wide-eyed girls with cosmos in their irises, quirky bangs and an aura of menace and of secrets kept have become wi...